Carlton 4pm

Sundays 4pm, 2 Keppel St Carlton

Who We Are

Carlton 4pm is a community where all are welcome with a particular focus on workers of all ages.  We love Jesus, we love the Bible, and we love sharing life together. We also seek to be equipped for life in the workplace and to reach other workers with the good news of Jesus. Whatever your story and whatever your questions, we’d really love to get to know you more and to welcome you into our community.

At 4pm every Sunday, we gather to learn from the Bible, worship God in song, pray and enjoy fellowship together. Every week we share dinner together after the service.

What We Do

Carlton 4pm is involved in a range of ministries which seek to support, encourage, and grow all members of our community.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups

Following Jesus is better together. Connect groups are a vital part of our life at St Jude’s, providing a space for deep fellowship and spiritual growth as we eat together, study the Bible and pray for one another. Connect groups are gatherings of 8-12 people who meet weekly. These groups are as diverse as our church family, offering a variety of meeting times and locations.

Click here to join a connect group

Learn More About Jesus

Learn More About Jesus

Interested in finding out more about who Jesus is and what Christianity is about?

Click here to find out more

Dinner after Church

Dinner after Church

Each week after our 4pm service, we have dinner together for anyone who’d like to join us. Dinner is around 6pm, after church and tea and coffee. We alternate between eating in our café space at church and heading out to one of the great restaurants on Lygon St. When we eat in, one of our 4pm members cooks for us or we order takeaway. The cost ranges from $5 on nights we stay in, to around $20 on Lygon St.

Our dinners are a great way to get to know each other better, to share our lives together and to have fun together. We usually finish up by about 7.30pm.

Work & Faith Seminars

Work & Faith Seminars

Most of us spend a lot of time at work! So we’re keen to keep exploring together what it looks like for us to follow Jesus as workers and in our workplaces. We do this in a number of ways including at church in our services and sermons, and as we share our lives together over dinners and in our Connect Groups.

But each year we also plan 3 or 4 seminars where we dig deeper into some of the opportunities and challenges we face as Christians in our workplace. These often take place over Sunday dinners, but also happen at other times.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

We love equipping men to live for Jesus and walk with him together. We gather once a month for dinner with guys from across our 3 Carlton congregations (10am, 4pm & UniChurch), to spur one another on in faith. It’s a great place to build friendships across generations.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

We love equipping women to live for Jesus and walk with him together. Women from across our 3 Carlton congregations (10am, 4pm & Unichurch) gather regularly throughout the year for dinner, brunch or dessert. It’s a great opportunity to build friendships across generations.

New to Melbourne?

New to Melbourne?

Just arrived in Melbourne? Many of us at St Jude’s have moved to Melbourne for work or study, and have found home away from home in our church community. We love sharing life together and encouraging one another in faith.

Click here to let us know you’ve arrived in Melbourne and we can help you get connected to others.

Global Mission

Global Mission

Followers of Jesus are all called to be missionaries, our mission is the proclamation of the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus. Some of us are called to do this on our doorstep in our local communities, others are called to serve in another culture and/or country.

Click here to find out more


JOHN FORSYTHVicar & Campus Minister - Carlton
NATALIE ROSNERSenior Assistant Minister - Carlton
JOSHUA ELKINAssistant Minister - Carlton
BELLA BRADBEERMusic Minister - Carlton
JACKSON SUMMERFIELDStudent Minister - Carlton 10am & 4pm