Youth Ministry

Who We Are

St Jude’s youth ministries seek to journey alongside our young people as they explore faith and work out what it means to follow Jesus as Lord in an ever-complex and changing world.

What We Do


Sundays @ Carlton:

After a short time in church worshiping God together with our parents, we go out to our age-appropriate learning times.

Grade 7-9: We gather together for a robust discussion around the bible and pray for each other. Snacks are always included.

Grade 10-12: We encourage our senior youth to take their place in church life, getting involved in serving, listening to sermons, and chatting about it after.

Sundays @ Parkville:

Second Breakfast, Grade 7-9:
Our youth are encouraged to participate fully in church life and listen to the sermon. They get notebooks to draw pictures and take notes while they listen to the sermon and then immediately afterwards, go out for a discussion time with leaders about what they heard, questions they’ve got, who they might tell about it, and what they want to do in response.

Friday Youth Group

We are a combined youth group for all St Jude’s for anyone in Grade 7 – 12 (in term 4, year 6 also join us!).

We are a community of teenagers centred around Jesus – the most important person you could ever know and the one who changes everything! We love having new people come along and join us to explore who Jesus is and what difference he makes to our lives.

We meet every Friday in School Term from 7-9pm at St Jude’s in Carlton.

You’ll often find us playing spot-it and ping-pong on arrival and then we get into some fun mixer games, birthday celebrations, small groups (and sometimes a talk), more games, and of course FOOD!

Our leaders love supporting our young people and having great chats about real stuff going on in the lives of our youth.

Youth Camp

We have an annual youth camp for Grade 6-12 at the end of term 3 to build friendships and community among our youth and leaders, and to go deeper with young people, helping them reflect and wrestle with their faith. We focus on a biblical theme or book of the bible to feed these conversations, have opportunity for youth to get involved in music and serving each other in the moment (kitchen duties), and of course, have amazing times in the ultimate wide game competition between the Legends and the Champions!

Leaders in Training Camp

Our Leaders in Training program aims to equip youth to grow in skills and confidence to lead each other and others as they seek to follow Jesus. This camp partners with other local youth ministries as we combine with other church leaders and youth.

Our annual Camp in the April School holidays for Grade 10-12 teaches teenagers a process of biblical exegesis to read the bible and apply it to their lives and to others. We also teach skills to turn that preparation into a bible study or a talk and then give the practical experience of having a go in their church contexts.

Child Safety

As a Christian community, St Jude’s affirms our commitment to ensuring the safety of each child who interacts with our community.

At St Jude’s we have a zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to acting in children’s best interests and keeping them safe from harm. St Jude’s regards its child protection responsibilities as being of the utmost importance and so is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture.


NIKITA CLAFFEYChildren's & Youth Minister - Parkville
JOSHUA ELKINAssistant Minister - Carlton
ISAAC DIMMICKTrainee - Carlton