
Sundays 6pm, 2 Keppel St Carlton

Who We Are

UniChurch is a growing community of students and young adults from all around Australia and the world, gathered around Jesus. We share our lives together and ask big questions together as we learn from the Bible. Whether you’re checking out Jesus or a Christian looking for community in Melbourne, we’d love to welcome you.

At 6pm every Sunday, we gather to learn from the Bible, worship God in song, pray and enjoy fellowship together. Every week we share dinner together after the service.

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What We Do

We want to be a community of people who are wholeheartedly following Jesus. Here are some ways we encourage and equip each other to do that.

Small Groups

Small Groups

Following Jesus is better together. Small groups are a vital part of our life at St Jude’s, providing a space for deep fellowship and spiritual growth as we eat together, study the Bible and pray for one another. Small groups are gatherings of 8-12 people who meet weekly. These groups are as diverse as our church family, offering a variety of meeting times and locations.

Click here to join a small group

Learn More About Jesus

Learn More About Jesus

Interested in finding out more about who Jesus is and what Christianity is about?

Click here to find out more

Dinner after Church

Dinner after Church

We share dinner together every Sunday after our service! From home cooked dinners by one of our members, ordering in takeaway meals, or going out to a nearby pub – these are great opportunities to deepen community life and get to know each other better.

On Campus

On Campus

Christian Union is a community making Jesus known at Melbourne Uni. We share Bible talks, prayer groups, social activities, camps and more. There are groups for undergrad, postgrad and research students.

Check out CU at melbourne.cu.org.au

International Students

International Students

At CUI, we make friends, meet Jesus and send out. We’re a group of international students from around the world. We share dinner and learn from the Bible together. We meet at 6pm at St Jude’s every Thursday.

Check out CUI at facebook.com/ChristianUnionInternational

New to Melbourne?

New to Melbourne?

Just arrived in Melbourne to study or work? Most of us at UniChurch have moved to Melbourne to study, and have found home away from home in our church community. We love eating together, studying together and spending time together.

Click here to let us know you’ve arrived in Melbourne and we can help you get connected to others.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

We love equipping men to live for Jesus and walk with him together. We gather once a month for dinner with guys from across our 3 Carlton congregations (10am, 4pm & UniChurch), to spur one another on in faith. It’s a great place to build friendships across generations.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

We love equipping women to live for Jesus and walk with him together. Women from across our 3 Carlton congregations (10am, 4pm & Unichurch) gather regularly throughout the year for dinner, brunch or dessert. It’s a great opportunity to build friendships across generations.

Global Mission

Global Mission

Followers of Jesus are all called to be missionaries, our mission is the proclamation of the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus. Some of us are called to do this on our doorstep in our local communities, others are called to serve in another culture and/or country.

Our global mission partners are supported by our church both in prayer and financially.

Click here to find out more


SAM OLDLANDAssistant Minister - UniChurch
LARISSA OCAMPODiscipleship Minister - UniChurch
CAITLIN CARNABYConnections Minister - UniChurch
BELLA BRADBEERMusic Minister - Carlton
CHRIS VARUGHESEStudent Minister - Carlton
SOPHIE ALTMANNTrainee - Carlton