Carlton 10am

Sundays 10am, 2 Keppel St Carlton

Who We Are

At St Jude’s we desire that all of life be shaped and transformed by the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Carlton 10am is a community for people in every stage of life, adults and kids, couples and singles, and from many cultures. We love Jesus, we love the Bible, we love sharing life together, and we love to share the good news about Jesus with others.

At 10am every Sunday, we gather to learn from the Bible, worship God in song, pray and enjoy fellowship together. We always share tea & coffee after the service, and once each month we share lunch together. Sunday services include programs for kids and youth during school term time.

What We Do

Carlton 10am is involved in a range of ministries which seek to support, encourage, and grow all members of our community.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups

Following Jesus is better together. Connect groups are a vital part of our life at St Jude’s, providing a space for deep fellowship and spiritual growth as we eat together, study the Bible and pray for one another. Connect groups are gatherings of 8-12 people who meet weekly. These groups are as diverse as our church family, offering a variety of meeting times and locations.

Click here to join a connect group

Learn More About Jesus

Learn More About Jesus

Interested in finding out more about who Jesus is and what Christianity is about?

Click here to find out more

New to Melbourne?

New to Melbourne?

Just arrived in Melbourne? Many of us at St Jude’s have moved to Melbourne for work or study, and have found home away from home in our church community. We love sharing life together and encouraging one another in faith.

Click here to let us know you’ve arrived in Melbourne and we can help you get connected to others.

Kids' Ministry

Kids' Ministry

Alongside parents, we want to reach and raise kids to be fully devoted followers of Jesus.  At Carlton 10am we have 4 different age groups for kids from creche to year 6. We’ve got fun & engaging learning times where we engage with the Bible, experience God’s love, and wrestle with what it means for each of us to follow Jesus.

Click here to find out more

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

St Jude’s youth ministries seek to journey alongside our young people as they explore faith and work out what it means to follow Jesus as Lord in an ever-complex and changing world.

On Sundays at Carlton 10am our youth are gathered into two groups years 7-9 and 10-12. We also run Youth Group on Friday nights for young people who attend congregations across St Jude’s.

Click here to find out more

Music Playgroup

Music Playgroup

St Jude’s Carlton Playgroup is an all-inclusive music-based playgroup, for children aged 1-4 years old.

We meet every Tuesday in school term from 10am – 11:15am at St Jude’s Church in Carlton.

Each week we have a structured music time, morning tea and play time. It costs $30 per term.

For any questions or enquiries please email

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

We love equipping men to live for Jesus and walk with him together. We gather once a month for dinner with guys from across our 3 Carlton congregations (10am, 4pm & UniChurch), to spur one another on in faith. It’s a great place to build friendships across generations.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

We love equipping women to live for Jesus and walk with him together. Women from across our 3 Carlton congregations (10am, 4pm & Unichurch) gather regularly throughout the year for dinner, brunch or dessert. It’s a great opportunity to build friendships across generations.

Global Mission

Global Mission

Followers of Jesus are all called to be missionaries, our mission is the proclamation of the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus. Some of us are called to do this on our doorstep in our local communities, others are called to serve in another culture and/or country.

Click here to find out more


NATALIE ROSNERSenior Assistant Minister - Carlton
JOSHUA ELKINAssistant Minister - Carlton
KATE WORLEYChilren's Minister - Carlton
BELLA BRADBEERMusic Minister - Carlton
JACKSON SUMMERFIELDStudent Minister - Carlton 10am & 4pm
ISAAC DIMMICKTrainee - Carlton